Clay Target Shooting
For Everyone
The Medicine Hat Clay Target Centre is open to everyone and all skill levels.
Save money and become a member today. Members have the freedom to come and go as you want during regular business hours (outside of specified events). At least one person per group must have a valid PAL to shoot our course. All prices include taxes and are subject to change.
Yearly Individual Membership Fee
- INCLUDED Liability Insurance
Yearly Family Membership
Guest Policy

Non-Registered Events
Membership Not Required To Participate
The Medicine Hat Clay Target Center holds many fun (non-registered) shooting events. Each year we host a couple of night shoots (under the lights) and numerous other shoots. These fun events are usually inexpensive and most often include a meal or snack with the registration. You do not need to be a member to participate in these events.
Registered Events
The Medicine Hat Clay Target Center is affiliated with the Amateur Trapshoot Association and holds registered shooting events. These events are advertised on our shoot calendar and all scores are recorded with the ATA. Our Registered shoots generally draw shooters from all over Alberta, Montana and Saskatchewan as well as other shooters from within the ATA family. We are hoping to soon hold registered Sporting Clay Shoots